As a Realtor, this time of year I witness many homeowners cleaning house. Literally! Maybe they are getting ready to list their homes, Baby Boomers looking to downsize or people just ti
red of knowing there are dust bunnies on once treasured things filling their attics, basements, and garages. Some folks have a hard time parting with once treasured items with hopes of passing them down to the next generation. Unfortunately, the new generation does not have the appreciation that most would hope for Grandpa’s old toy collection, Grandma’s costume jewelry or even Dad’s He-man, Transformers, or G.I. JOE figures. Some even have a pile of their kids’ things left from when they moved out 10+ years ago (I know my mother does). Millennials are more interested in traveling and living a life with the “less is more” approach.

I recently read an article about donating your things when Spring cleaning. Items like clothing and modern household items might make sense, but for older things, there may be a chance someone else out might appreciate them as you once did. Safe keep a few family heirlooms, and get ready to de-clutter! Fortunately, the Charlotte and Lake Norman area has! Specializing in all different kinds of things from vintage toys & video games, costume jewelry, comic books, military collectibles, coins, and so much more, they will take a look at what you have and pay you cash for items they’re interested in! So instead of throwing your old items in the trash or boxing them up every time you move, you’ve now got a resource! If you’ve already moved or know someone who lives out of state, they even take shipped orders!
Things are definitely beginning to warm up in Charlotte! Why not get a jump start on things and clean house? How great would it be to have a little extra cash for swimming lessons, time out with the Grand kids and treating them to a toy that they appreciate now or even a date night? For me, going into Spring with a clean and de-cluttered house is great… and I got paid for it! Contact them today!
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